Harmonious Holocaust

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                EXT. CITY SCAPE - DAY

                It's a clear bright day. We see a long procession of protesters, all in a single-file line. Among them are: a young woman with a nose ring and wild pink hair, a young male hipster, a middle-aged woman with a seven year-old daughter, a young black male wearing a keffiyeh as a scarf, and a man dressed up as a woman. They have blank stares on their faces, and they are holding anti-Israel / pro-Hamas / pro-Palestinian signs. Every four seconds they take a step forward, in unison. We get the feeling (by their movements and the subtle mechanized sounds) that they are part of some sort of assembly line. Where this assembly line is headed toward? It's not clear.

                UNTIL the camera moves further up the line to reveal:

                The line ends in front of a fully decorated Hamas terrorist. He towers over them, as if receiving them in expectation. The next protester in line steps forward toward the terrorist and opens their arms to welcome him in an embrace. The terrorist matches the embrace, and we then see the protester melting into the terrorist’s arms.
                The camera then moves behind the terrorist as the protester disengages from the embrace and is moved out of frame. We now see the front of the next protester in line, the pink-haired woman, as she steps toward the terrorist. This time we are seeing the embrace from a different angle - a much closer and more intimate angle. As they begin to hug, we cut to a CLOSE UP of the hug and suddenly see the terrorist bring a sharp knife up to her throat. He slices it clean open. As blood starts to seep through, she begins to make a faint gurgling sound. We then see another terrorist grab her and move her around the corner, out of the view of the other protesters. 
                The camera follows the pink-haired protester, and now we see that we're on a building rooftop. 
                The terrorist leads her by the hair and summarily throws her off the edge of the building.
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                EXT. CITY STREET - DAY

                We are on a city street, in front of the building. There is a pile of dead protesters (30 or so). It’s a gruesome heap of bloodied corpses.

                On top of the pile is the pink-haired corpse. Under her are the woman and her daughter, both with slits on their bloodied throats. All of a sudden, we hear another body SLAM onto the top of the heap, and we see it roll down past us. Four seconds later, another corpse SMASHES down.
                The camera cuts to a close up of one of the dead corpses - a female. We see her blood-splattered contorted face. We move in closer, until only her mouth is in view. She begins to form a subtly fiendish smile. As we hear another fresh body FLOP onto the carnage, we CUT TO BLACK.